“I hope loads of other schools throughout the North East and beyond get to experience this theatre company”

Hello, Welcome to TimbaDash!

We are a theatre company producing immersive sensory experiences for children with complex and additional needs.

Our work is fun, vibrant, and accessible but most importantly it’s collaborative placing each young person at the heart of everything we do. We combine sensory play with storytelling, music, and a touch of magic to create immersive theatrical worlds that create space for interactions with our audience.

Our belief is that arts and culture is a fundamental right and need for young people with disabilities. Art connects all of us to the world, each other and ourselves and is a powerful tool for self-expression, communication, learning and improved health and wellbeing.

Our mission is to ensure that every young person that we work with has an opportunity to engage in a high quality arts experience which is free of expectation and allows them to express themselves creatively. We achieve this through workshops with our audiences to co-create every show we make.

 Meet our Board

  • Head Teacher of Hadrian School, Fenham

  • Project Coordinator at VODA

  • Director at Converge, Northumbria University

  • Project Manager at The Bank, Chopwell

  • Neuro-Diversity Consultant and Technician at Gosforth Civic Theatre

  • Young artist at Northern School of Art

  • Lecturer at Northumbria University and Gateshead Autism Group

  • Head of Volunteering at St Oswald’s Hospice